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Devonport High School for Girls

Name of Head of Department

Mrs V Lethbridge, BA, PGCE

Statement of Intent 

Foreign languages are an important part of cultural and vocational education in Europe and around the world. In the Languages department at DHSG, we aim to provide our students with the skills to communicate effectively in a variety of languages (French, Spanish, German, Mandarin Chinese, Latin) and with a sympathetic attitude to and deeper understanding of the relevant cultures in the language of study. In the teaching of specific languages, we endeavour to foster a language awareness and an improved understanding of English and to develop language learning skills which will serve as a valuable basis for the acquisition of skills in other foreign languages which students may wish to learn later in their careers. 

Language lessons focus on developing students’ ability to engage in spontaneous talk and practise transferable thinking skills. Above all, as committed and enthusiastic language learners ourselves, we wish to pass on a love of languages and encourage students to embrace language learning as a vital life skill. 

“He who knows no foreign language, knows nothing of his own” Goethe 

“ If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head; if you talk to a man in his own language, that goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela. 

Aims of the department: 

  • to produce enthusiastic, competent linguists who are confident of their ability, willing to take risks in less familiar situations;
  • to develop the students’ ability to engage in spontaneous talk, uninhibited by a strive for perfection; 
  • to provide a sense of challenge in the language learning activities and overcome the fear of failure;
  • to encourage students to become adaptable and open to new opportunities; 
  • to help students to develop transferable thinking skills; 
  • to embrace language learning and the ability to use other languages as a life skill; 
  • to encourage a sense of belonging to a global community;
  • to develop a cultural awareness of other nationalities. 

Curriculum Programmes of Study French 


Cycle Content

Year 7

Cycle 1

Term 1: La rentrée
Overview: Introductions, classroom language, brothers + sisters, descriptions, likes + dislikes
Grammar: Phonics, nouns + gender, definite + indefinite articles, aimer + definite article
Verbs avoir + être
Adjectives + agreements, colours
Vocabulary: Introductions, brothers + sisters, classroom language, likes + dislikes, adjectives to describe people, simple -er infinitives
Simple questions for introductions.
Term 1: Assessment: Gender and plural of nouns language awareness
Term 2: En Classe
Overview: School subjects, opinions, school uniform, description of schools
Grammar: Conjugating -er verbs,  negative ne ….. pas
Adjectives after nouns   Il y a / Il n’ y a pas de
Vocabulary: Telling the time, numbers to 60, school subjects, uniform, activities during the school day, opinions, rooms/facilities in school
Term 2: Assessment: Listening and reading

Cycle 2

Term 3: Mon temps libre
Overview: Weather + seasons,  Sports + hobbies, Opinions
Grammar: Jouer à / faire de
Double verb expressions – aimer + infinitive
Forming and answering questions
Quand + complex sentences
Vocabulary: Weather and seasons, Sports and hobbies
Likes + dislikes
Term 3: Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: Ma vie de famille
Overview: Describing family, animals, where you live, food + breakfast.
Grammar: Full paradigm of -er verbs
Possessive adjectives, partitive articles
Vocabulary: Pets, colours, numbers 20-100, family members, where you live (house/flat etc)
Countries, adjectives describing home + family
Food + partitive articles, meals
Term 4; Assessment: Extended Writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: En ville
Overview: Describing a town, weekend activities, inviting out, conversations in a café.
Grammar: Verb aller à
Verb vouloir + infinitve
Near Future tense (aller + infinitive)
Revise negatives,  prepositions
Vocabulary: Places in town, where to go / meet
Food + drink in cafés, holiday activities and famous landmarks
Term 5: Assessment:  Reading aloud - 50 words approx
Term 6: Projects
Overview: Example: Plans for the weekend/ Organise a visit to Paris
Grammar: Round up of all core structures from the year
Vocabulary: Revision of key vocab – Places to visit, sports and activities, food + drink, opinions
Term 6: Assessment: Listening and reading

Year 8 


Cycle 1

Term 1: Vive les vacances
Overview: Describing a holiday in the past, Visit to a theme park
Grammar: Verbs avoir + être, perfect tense of regular er verbs + some irregular verbs
Vocabulary: Holiday destinations and types, opinions adjectives, activities on holiday
Means of transport
Term 1: Assessment: Listening and Reading
Term 2: Vive les vacances
Overview: Holiday descriptions, comparing past and present, using two time frames
Grammar: Perfect tense of verbs taking être
Negatives in the past tense
Asking + answering questions
Using two tenses together
Vocabulary: Countries, transport, verbs taking être
Key adverbs of time and sequencing events
Term 2: Assessment: Translation

Cycle 2

Term 3: J’adore les fêtes
Overview: Describing festivals, buying food + drink, making plans in the near future
Grammar: Revising likes + dislikes, aimer + definite article Present tense of -ir +-re verbs
Partitive article + de after negative/quantities
Near future aller + infinitive, using three tenses
Vocabulary: Festivals and celebrations, activities
Food + drink, expressions of quantity
Conversations in shops/cafés
Adjectives + quantifiers, adverbs of time
Term 3:Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: À loisir
Overview: Leisure + digital technology, arranging to go out, asking questions.
Grammar: Singular + plural adjective agreement
Forming +answering questions, negatives
Verb pouvoir /  aller + infinitive
Perfect tense + c’était + adjective
Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe personality/ TV/Films
Question words, variety of negatives
Adverbs of time
Term 4: Assessment: Extended Writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: Le monde est petit
Overview: Describing where you live, weather and daily routine
Grammar: Pouvoir + devoir + infinitive, Reflexive verbs
Irregular adjectives (beau, nouveau vieux etc)
Using three tenses in writing,
Complex sentences with quand + si
Vocabulary: Places to live, weather, adjectives to describe area, adverbs of quantity, seasons,
Household chores,  daily routine,
Term 5: Assessment:  Reading aloud - 50 words approx
Term 6: Le sport en direct
Overview: Sports + Opinions, interviewing a sports personality
Grammar: Jouer à + faire de
Comparative, imperative
Il faut
Asking + answering questions, Future tense
Vocabulary: Sports, adverbs of frequency, opinions about sport, directions, A mon avis
Il faut + health tips, ailments +injuries
Term 6: Assessment: Listening and Reading

Year 9

Cycle 1

    Term 1 :My personal world (family)

Overview: Describing family type, family members and family relationships

  • avoir/être in the present (recap)
  • emphatic pronouns
  • possessive adjectives (whole paradigm)
  • adjective agreement (recap)
  • present tense (recap) and reflexive verbs
  • near future (recap)

Vocabulary: Different types of families, family members, adjectives of physical and personality description, reflexive of routines + relationships
Term 1: Assessment: Reading and Translation

Term 2: My personal world (friends, media and technology)
Overview: Talking about friends, describing friendships, people we admire and life online.

  • Adjective agreement (recap)
  • Comparative and superlative
  • Negatives (ne…pas, ne…jamais)
  • Extending sentences using « qui »/ »quand »
  • DOP
  • Perfect tense (recap)

Vocabulary: Irregular comparatives and superlatives, adjectives to describe gender and identity, online life and technology vocab, TV programs
Term 2: Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 2

Term 3: My personal world (hobbies and free time)
Overview: Describing weekend activities and hobbies and likes and dislikes using opinion phrases

  • Irregular present tense verbs (recap)
  • faire du/de la/des vs. jouer  à la/au/aux + sports VS. jouer du/de la + instruments
  • « y » and « en » pronouns
  • Use of « depuis que » + present tense
  • Negatives (ne...rien,, ne...que)
  • être en train de + infinitive
  • Bringing it all together (using 3 time frames – present, perfect and near future)

Vocabulary: Sports, hobbies, adverbs of frequency, time expressions and sequencers, expressions of like and dislike (idioms
Term 3: Assessment: Scaffolded 90 words essay

Term 4: Lifestyle and wellbeing (food and going out)
Overview: Interactions in the French speaking world – making plans to go out, social situations, doctor’s appointment(role-play exam technique)

  • Forming questions (recap)
  • Telling the time
  • Imperative (tu, nous and vous from)
  • Irregular verbs (venir) + venir de as time expression+
  • Modal verbs (pouvoir, vouloir) in the present
  • Reflexive in the past to talk about injuries (as set phrases)
  • Partitive

Vocabulary: Questions words, time, role play vocab, body parts, illnesses, food   
Term 4: Assessment Role play


Cycle 3

Term 5: Lifestyle and wellbeing (healthy habits and lifestyle)
Overview: Talking about lifestyle and habits – previous lifestyle compared to way of life now. Talk about what to do to improve lifestyle habits

  • Imperfect tense
  • Simple future tense
  • Bringing it all together (imperfect, present and simple future)
  • Negatives (recap)
  • Expressions followed y the infinitive (pour, afin de, au lieu de, avant de...)

Vocabulary: Food, hobbies, adverbs of frequency, intensifiers, sports, health
Term 5: Assessment: : 90 words essay + E>F translation (sentences)

Term 6: My neighbourhood
Overview: Describing my town, what it looks like and can do, what it used to be like + activities in town (shopping)

  • Conditional tense
  • Pronoun “y” for here/there
  • Recap “depuis”
  • Prepositions for directions + descriptions
  • Recap perfect, imperfect and present
  • Demonstrative adjectives 
  • “de” to indicate possession 

Vocabulary: Question words, places in town, clothes, sizes, colours, prepositions, habiter/vivre, house rooms/furnitures (vocab list only)
Term 6: Assessment: Listening and reading

Year 10 

Cycle 1

Term 1: My personal world (hobbies and free time)
Overview: Describing weekend activities and hobbies and likes and dislikes using opinion phrases

   • Present tense verbs, regular + irregular (recap)
   • faire du/de la/des vs. jouer  à la/au/aux + sports VS. jouer du/de la        +     instruments
   • « y » and « en » pronouns
   • Use of « depuis que » + present tense
   • Negatives (ne...rien,, ne...que)
   • être en train de + infinitive
    • Using 3 time frames to talk about weekend activities – present,             perfect and near future)

Vocabulary: Sports, hobbies, adverbs of frequency, time expressions and sequencers, expressions of like and dislike (idioms
Term 1: Assessment: Writing : 90 Words
Term 2: Lifestyle and wellbeing (food and going out)
Overview: Interactions in the French speaking world – making plans to go out, social situations, doctor’s appointment
(role-play exam technique)

  • Forming questions (recap)
  • Telling the time
  • Imperative (tu, nous and vous from)
  • Irregular verbs (venir) + venir de as time expression+
  • Modal verbs (pouvoir, vouloir) in the present
  • Reflexive in the past to talk about injuries (as set phrases)
  • Partitive

Vocabulary: Questions words, time, role play vocab, body parts, illnesses, food
Term 2: Assessment: Role play + photocard


Cycle 2

Term 3: Lifestyle and wellbeing (healthy habits and lifestyle)
Overview: Talking about lifestyle and habits – previous lifestyle compared to way of life now.  Talk about what to do to improve lifestyle habits

  • Imperfect tense
  • Simple future tense
  • Bringing it all together (imperfect, present and simple future)
  • Negatives (recap)
  • Expressions followed y the infinitive (pour, afin de, au lieu de, avant de...)

Term 3; Assessment: Listening and reading
Term 4: Studying and my future (School)
Overview: School in France, talking about school life, students and teachers + school rules, ideal school and the importance of languages  

  • Impersonal forms + infinitive (il faut, il est + adjective + infinitive)
  • Recap comparative and superlative
  • Recap imperfect (how your school used to be)
  • Conditional tense
  • Si clauses (imperfect + conditional)
  • Negatives (all paradigm)
  • Indirect object pronouns

Vocabulary: School subject, opinion phrases, clothes, colours, time, intensifiers, adverbs of frequency
Term 4: Assessment: Translation


Cycle 3


Term 5: Studying and my future (Future plans 1)
Overview: Studies post-16, hopes and plans for the future + talking about travelling + internships

  • Present future tense
  • Avant de + infinitive
  • Apres avoir + past participle
  • Connaitre vs. savoir (irregular)
  • Sans + infinitive  

Vocabulary: Different type of formation, Travel and journey, time, mode of transportation
Term 5: Assessment: y10 summer exams (L, R and W)
Term 6: Studying and my future (Future plans 2)
Overview: Talking about different career paths + advantages and disadvantages of different jobs (+ impact of new technologies in the world of work)

  •  Il y a + different tenses declinaisons
  • Indefinitie adjectives
  • Patterns in gender for jobs
  • Using infinitives as nouns
  • Verbs followed by “à” ou “de”

Vocabulary: Jobs, adjective to describe advantages and disadvantages
Term 6: Assessment:  Speaking - mini mock

Year 11


Cycle 1

Term 1: Theme 1 – Family / Friends /Free time Technology benefits and dangers
Overview: Theme 1 Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams. 
Grammar: Subjunctive after Il est possible que, permettre de
Revision of theme 1 vocab
Term 1: Assessment: Listening & Reading
Term 2: Theme 3 – Career choices, ambitions,
Overview: Theme 3 Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams. 
Grammar: Subjunctive after il faut, mes parents veulent que … etc  Passive in past and future
Vocabulary: Infinitive constructions commencer à, decider de, essayer de Revision of  theme 3 vocab
Term 2: Assessment: Mock Exams in L/R/S/W


Cycle 2

Term 3: Theme 2 - Social Issues: Charity / Voluntary Work
Overview: Theme 2 Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.   
Grammar: Passive
Vocabulary: Vouloir + infinitive, vouloir que + subjunctive, il est possible que. Revision of theme 2 vocab.
Term 3: Assessment: Writing : 150 words
Term 4: Revision / Exam Practice
Overview: Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.  
Grammar: All key areas of grammar
Vocabulary: All key areas of vocabulary
Term 4: Assessment: Speaking : mock 2


Cycle 3

Term 5: Revision / Exam Practice / Study Leave
Overview: Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.   
Grammar: All key areas of grammar
Vocabulary: All key areas of vocabulary
Term 5: Assessment:  Speaking Exams
Term 6: Study Leave / Exams
Term 6: Assessment: Final Exams

Curriculum Programmes of Study Chinese 


Cycle Content

Year 7

Cycle 1

Term 3: My Family
Overview: Introductions, classroom language, age, birthday, family members, pets, Cultural understanding: Mid-Autumn festival
Grammar: Pinyin, strokes, stroke order, radicals, basic (pictographic) characters, pronouns, Simple sentence order Vocabulary: Introductions, family members, numbers, year, months, dates, weekdays, pets/animals
Term 1 Assessment: recognising numbers 1-10 and phase 1/basic characters
Term 2: My daily routine Overview: telling the time, countries & nationalities, cities, daily routines, transportation,
Grammar: sentence order: time phrases, means of transport,
Past tense 过,了
Vocabulary: numbers to hundreds, time, times in a day, countries, cities, transportation, basic verbs
Term 2 Assessment: Listening and reading

Cycle 2

Term 3: school life
Overview: school subjects, Likes + dislikes, colours & clothes, Cultural understanding: Chinese New Year/Spring festival
Grammar: Basic adjectives, adverbs, linking words negative forms 不,没 Vocabulary: colours, clothes, school subjects, adj.s, adv.s, linking words
Term 3 Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: Hobbies Overview: Sports and hobbies Question words Cultural understanding: Qingming festival Grammar: 正在,v+ing, frequency adverbs, Duration of time How well 得
Vocabulary: Sports, quiet hobbies,
Term 4 Assessment: Extended Writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: Food and drink Overview: vegetables and fruits, three meals a day, drinks, Cultural understanding: Dragon Boat festival Grammar:
Optional questions 还是?
Future tense 想、要
Vocabulary: vegetables, fruits, three meals a day, drinks,
Term 5 Assessment: Listening and reading
Term 6: Projects-eating out Overview: ordering food, talking about price, different countries’ cuisines Grammar: Round up of all core structures from the year Imperfect
Vocabulary: Revision of key vocab – family, transportation, food + drink, price, opinions
Term 6 Assessment: Speaking

Year 8 


Cycle 1

Term 1: My House Overview: rooms in a house, furniture,
Position words, where things are measure words, ..
Vocabulary: rooms in a house, furniture, measure words, adjectives Term 1 Assessment: Listening and Reading
Term 2: Local areas
Overview: where I live, public places, distance Grammar: Linking words 先..., 然后...,最后... 离...很远/很近
Vocabulary: Public places, transport, linking words, adjectives to describe areas
Term 2 Assessment: Translation

Cycle 2

Term 3: Holiday
Overview: weather, Holiday experience
Grammar: using three tenses: previous holiday experience, travel plan 转, linking words 如果,要是,这要看
Vocabulary: revise transportation, destinations, weather, seasons, holiday activities, continents
Term 3 Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: shopping Overview: shopping experience, describing & comparing goods, price, service
Comparision 比,一样,没有,
Adjectives to describe things, Question words, body parts
Term 4 Assessment: Extended Writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: My Friends Overview: Describing a friend’s physical appearance & personality, sickness
Grammar: Repetitive use of adjectives 大大的,高高的
Vocabulary: body parts, adjectives, personalities, revision of hobbies, Term 5 Assessment: Speaking
Term 6: Technology Overview: internet, mobile phone, social media Grammar: Complex sentences 用...做... 让,
Vocabulary: Media, internet, technology, revision of hobbies
Term 6 Assessment: Listening and Reading

Year 9

Cycle 1

Term 1: Theme 1- Family + relationships
Overview: Describing Family + Friends and discussing relationships Grammar: complex sentences, 跟一样,比,先然后最后, Vocabulary: Extended family members, personalities, emotional adjectives.
Term 1 Assessment: Reading and Translation
Term 2:
Theme 3 – My studies + school life Overview: Describing school and subjects learnt, school rules
Grammar: Measure words 节,门,件,双 从..到.. 还是,或者 Vocabulary: School subjects, rooms in school, school uniform, rules Term 2 Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 2

Term 3: Theme 1 Free-time: Music / TV / Cinema / Sport Overview: Hobbies and Free-time
Grammar: 打一个小时网球 虽然,但是
Vocabulary: hobbies, after-school clubs 让你放松, 奥运会
Term 3 Assessment: Writing : 40 words
Term 4: Theme 1 – Technology + social media Overview: Uses of mobile phones and the Internet, Benefits, Dangers and Risks Grammar: complex sentences,对...不好 Opinion verbs 觉得,认为, Vocabulary: 好处,坏处,网瘾,网络安全,社交媒体
Term 4 Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 3

Term 5: Theme 2 – Home town + local area Overview: Describing House, Household tasks and Local Area.
Grammar: 离...远/近, 坐车半个小时
Vocabulary: Rooms, types of houses, places in town, household tasks, Term 5 Assessment: Speaking
Term 6: Theme 1 – Customs + festivals
Overview: Customs and festivals Grammar: 的时候,有的,有的, 最一点儿都不,V一下
Vocabulary: Festival days, names of countries and key vocab for each celebration, opinions
Term 6 Assessment: Listening, Reading & Writing 90 words

Year 10 

Cycle 1

Term 1: Theme 2 - Travel + tourism, Holidays Overview: Describing holidays and plans, Pros and Cons of Holiday types.
Grammar: 3 tenses
Vocabulary: Sequencing words and phrases, holiday destinations and activities, weather, quand/si Term 1 Assessment:
Writing : 90 Words
Term 2: Theme 3 – Education post 16,career options
Overview: Future Plans, Education post 16, career choices Grammar: Borrow other’s opinions 说,听说,我个人认为
Vocabulary: jobs/ careers, benefits and challenges
Term 2 Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 2

Term 3: Theme 2 Social Issues: Healthy Living Overview: Food and Nutrition, how to keep fit and healthy
Grammar: 第一,第二,第三,
Vocabulary: how to keep fit, mental health, parts of the body and ailments.
Term 3 Assessment: Translation
Term 4: Theme 1 – Marriage + partnerships/relationships Overview: Relationships, Pros + Cons of Marriage, Opinions and alternatives. Grammar: Express opinions and explanations 3 tenses
Vocabulary: Marital status, Possessive adjectives
Term 4 Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 3


Term 5: Theme 2 – Global issues: homelessness / poverty Overview: Daily Routine, Comparisons of lifestyles Grammar: 不但,而且, Vocabulary: homelessness , poverty, how to help Term 5 Assessment: Writing 150 words Term 6: Theme 2 – Global issues: Environment Overview: Environmental problems + solutions Grammar: 如果不...,那么.... 首先,其次,最后 Vocabulary: Environmental Problems, modal verbs, Term 6 Assessment: Yr 10 Exams L/S/R/W

Year 11


Cycle 1

Term 1: Theme 1 – Family / Friends /Free time Technology benefits and dangers
Overview: Theme 1 Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.
Grammar: Linking words Vocabulary: Revision of theme 1 vocab Term 1 Assessment: Listening & Reading
Term 2: Theme 3 – Career choices, ambitions,
Overview: Theme 3 Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams. Grammar: past and future, opinions,reasoning,
Vocabulary: Revision of theme 3 vocab
Term 2 Assessment: Mock Exams in L/R/S/W


Cycle 2

Term 3: Theme 2 - Social Issues: Charity / Voluntary Work 
Overview: Theme 2 Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.    
Higher tier structures 
Revision of theme 2 vocab. 
Term 3 Assessment: Writing : 150 words 
Term 4: Revision / Exam Practice 
Overview: Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.    
All key areas of grammar 
All key areas of vocabulary 
Term 4 Assessment: Speaking : mock 2 


Cycle 3

Term 5: Revision / Exam Practice / Study Leave 
Overview: Revision of key exam skills and techniques, practice and preparation for speaking + writing exams.     
All key areas of grammar 
All key areas of vocabulary 
Term 5 Assessment:  Exam Practice / Final Speaking Exams 
Term 6: Study Leave / Exams 
Term 6 Assessment: Final Exams

Curriculum Programmes of Study for German 


Cycle Content

Year 7

Cycle 1

Term 1: Meine Welt und ich
Overview: Introductions , pronunciation, describing character and where you live

Grammar: haben + sein
Basic verb conjugation – wohnen
Definite / indefinite article
Question words: wie/was/wo/woher/wer
Vocabulary: Greetings, numbers -20
Adjectives of character, random possessions
Term 1: Assessment:  Gender and plural of nouns language awareness
Term 2: Familie und Tiere
Overview: Describing family and pets, asking and answering questions.
Grammar: haben + accusative for direct object
kann + infinitive
Adjectival agreement (appearance – plural)
Vocabulary: Pets, adjectives
Close family members + mein/dein
Birthdays, ordinal numbers
Term 2: Assessment:  Listening and reading

Cycle 2

Term 3: Freizeit
Overview: Sports, Likes + Dislikes, Opinions
Grammar: Verbs spielen / machen / gehen + gern/nicht gern
Irregular verbs: fahren, sehen, lesen, essen
Word order after time expressions
Referring to the future with the present tense
Vocabulary: Sports and Hobbies
Technology – what you do on computers
Adverbs of time + frequency
Term 3: Assessment:  Writing gap fill
Term 4: Schule ist klasse
Overview: School subjects, opinions, describing school facilities and rules
Grammar: Word order with ‘weil’
Word order with time expressions
Possessive adjectives ‘sein’ and ‘ihr’                   

Term 3: Freizeit

Overview: Sports, Likes + Dislikes, Opinions
verbs spielen / machen / gehen + gern/nicht gern
Irregular verbs: fahren, sehen, lesen, essen

Word order after time expressions

Referring to the future with the present tense

Sports and Hobbies
Technology – what you do on computers

Adverbs of time + frequency

Term 3: Assessment:  Writing gap fill

Term 4: Schule ist klasse

Overview: School subjects, opinions, describing school facilities and rules

Word order with ‘weil’
Word order with time expressions

Possessive adjectives ‘sein’ and ‘ihr’

Cycle 3

Term 5: Gute Reise
Overview: Describing Town and Local Area. Buying Snacks and Drinks
Grammar: Es gibt + accusative, adjectives
Ich möchte with infinitive
Man kann + infinitive, Modal verbs
Future Tense with ‚werden‘
Vocabulary: Places in town, Snacks and drinks
Holiday activities
Term 5: Assessment:  Reading aloud - 50 words approx
Term 6: Fairy Tales project
Overview: Grimm’s Fairy tales, describing people and actions in past tense
Grammar: Introduction to the past tense – imperfect
Ich war / hatte / es gab
Some common verbs in the imperfect
Vocabulary: Descriptions of people and animals
Adverbs – for sequencing events in the past
Term 6: Assessment: Listening and Reading

Year 8 


Cycle 1

Term 1: Ich liebe Ferien
Overview: Comparing places ‘then and now’, Holidays in the past, Weather, Transport.
Grammar: Revision of imperfect
Introduction to perfect tense with haben / sein
Dative after prepositions in/mit
Vocabulary: Towns and Local area, adjectives
Activities on holiday
Term 1: Assessment: Listening and Reading
Term 2: Holidays in the present and past tense
Overview: Comparing past/present holidays, opinions about holidays, complaints
Grammar: Weather expressions in the past
Combining present and perfect tenses.
Asking questions
Opinions + word order, subordinate clauses
Vocabulary: Question words, Intensifiers, zu + adjective
Items in hotel
Term 2: Assessment: Translation

Cycle 2

Term 3: Bist du Mediafan?
Overview: Film + TV preferences, reading choices, screen time + opinions
Grammar: Asking questions in perfect tense
Modal verbs
Prepositions with Dative
Vocabulary: Types of programme, film, books adjectives
Adverbs of frequency
Term 3: Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: Bleib gesund
Overview: Healthy Eating + Lifestyles, Traditional German Food, Recipes
Grammar: Present tense irregular verbs: nehmen, essen, trinken,  Modal Verbs + Infinitive,   Perfect tense.
Dative of plural nouns after mit
Accusative after nehmen,
Prepositions of movement, Imperative
Vocabulary: Meals, Range of food and drinks
Traditional German specialities
Term 4: Assessment: Extended Writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: Klassenreisen machen Spass
Overview: Daily Routine, understanding and giving directions, festivals in Switzerland.
Grammar: Modal verbs dürfen, müssen, können,
Reflexive and Separable verbs
Vocabulary: Daily Routine and chores, rules
Places in town, festival vocab + some adjectives
Term 5: Assessment:   Reading aloud - 50 words approx
Term 6: Wir gehen aus
Overview: Arranging to go out, clothes
Grammar: Wenn clauses
Future tense with werden

Year 9

Cycle 1

Term 1: Zurück zur Schule (back to school)
Overview: My Holiday, School
Cultural focus: German Unity Day
Grammar: Revise perfect tense, revise nominative and accusative indefinite and definite articles, plural nouns, revise present tense of regular verbs, haben and sein, revise weil plus verb to end, revise accusative adjective agreements, tragen and fahren in second and third persons, revise modal verbs, dass + verb to end, revise perfect tense, sein, haben and geben in imperfect tense
Vocabulary: Revise holiday activities, classroom equipment, Apologising for lateness/lost and forgotten equipment, revise Holidays, school subjects, revise days of week, revise frequency, adjectives, opinion phrases, revise clothes, revise colours, photo description vocab, places in the school
Term 1: Assessment: Perfect Tense Assessment including 75 word written piece on Holidays
Term 2: Zurück zur Schule (back to school)
Overview: Intro to 90 work task, translationtask and types of exam question, prepare oral questions
Cultural Focus: Martinstag
Grammar: Practise all grammar learnt in Term 1
Vocabulary: Peer assessment language, school activities
Term 2: Photo task (oral)


Cycle 2

Term 3: Freizeit (Free Time)
Overview: Free time Activities
Cultural Focus: German bands/music
Grammar: gern/lieber/am liebsten, Revise verb second idea, Separable verbs, Revise modal verbs, Yes/no questions, Questions with question words, Imperfect tense with gehen and finden, Revise future tense, revise time, manner, place
Vocabulary: Explaining why a classmate is absent, Types of music, Intensifiers, Adjectives, Free time activities, Revise frequency adverbs, Technology, Revise invitations, film review vocabulary
Term 3: 90 word task on School
Term 4: Freizeit (Free Time)
Overview: Free Time grammar consolidation and exam skills
Cultural Focus: Film Project
Grammar:Practise all grammar learnt in Term 3
Vocabulary: GroupTalk (opinions)
Term 4: Assessment: Read aloud and role-play


Cycle 3

Term 5: Meine Welt, deine Welt (my world, your world)
Overview: Festivals, Family, Relationships, Equality and Identity
Grammar: Gefallen, Spaß machen, Possessive adjectives in nominative, accusative and dative, nominative relative pronouns, Revise time, manner, place.
Vocabulary: Plenary language, Revise family, Physical and Character descriptions, Relationships, Discrimination, Revise time phrases
Term 5: Assessment: Listening and Reading
Term 6: Meine Welt, deine Welt (my world, your world)
Overview: Discussing a party, grammar consolidation and exam skills 
Grammar: Using past and future time frames together, Revise dual case prepositions, dative pronouns
Vocabulary: Language for playing games, Festivals
Term 6: Assessment:Listening and Reading

Year 10 

Cycle 1

Term 1: Theme 2 Tourism and Holidays -  Revision, Global Issues: Environment
Overview: Holidays – problems and issues, Environment – problems + solutions
Grammar: Modal verbs, tenses revision, word order
Pluperfect, Conditional + wenn
Prepositions + acc/dat, Pronouns,  Imperative
Vocabulary: Holidays, destinations, activities, transport
Environmental problems
Adverbs of time
Term 1: Assessment: Listening and Reading
Term 2: Theme 1 Family + Relationships, Free time, Technology Use - Revision
Overview: Dangers of Internet use
Free-time activities
Grammar: Perfect + Imperfect tenses
Word order
Infinitive constructions
Vocabulary: Adverbs of time and frequency
Mobile phone uses
Term 2: Assessment: Mock Exams in L/S/R/W


Cycle 2

Term 3: Theme 2 Home and Local Area - Revision
Overview: Advantages + Disadvantages of where you live, Descriptions, Ideal Home
Grammar: Seit + present, vor + time phrase
Conditional, subordinate clauses with wenn.
Prepositions + cases, Adjective agreements
Word order
Vocabulary: House + home + places in town
Revise environmental concerns
Term 3: Assessment: Writing : 150 words
Term 4: Theme 3 School and Career Choices - Revision
Overview: Work Experience Education Post 16, Future Plans
Grammar: Future + conditional tenses
Perfect tense, Modal verbs in the imperfect
Vocabulary: Tasks and jobs during work experience


Cycle 3


Term 5: Revision / Exam Practice
Overview: Practise of key exam techniques and familiarisation with exam tasks
Grammar: Revision of key grammar points
Term 5: Assessment:  Speaking Exams
Term 6: Exams
Term 6 Assessment: Exams

Year 11


Cycle 1

Term 1: Theme 2 Travel + Tourism, Holidays       
Overview: Describing holidays and plans, Pros and Cons of Holiday types.
Grammar: Revision of tenses, subordinating conjunctions Relative pronouns, Prepositions + Acc/Dat
Imperfect tense,  Future + Conditional
Vocabulary: Sequencing words and phrases
Holiday destinations and activities
Weather, Word order – Time Manner Place
Adverbs eg vielleicht, wahrscheinlich
Term 1: Assessment: Writing : 90 words
Term 2: Theme 3 Life at School, Education Post 16, Career Choices,
Overview: Pressures and Problems at school, Future Plans
Grammar: Modal verbs, um… zu, infinitive constructions, verbs using zu + infinitive, seit + present
Pluperfect and subordinate clauses
Conditional (common subjunctive forms)
Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe buildings and school
versuchen, beschliessen, beginnen, etc zu + inf
Types of jobs and workplaces
Term 2: Assessment: Listening and Reading


Cycle 2

Term 3: Theme 2 Social Issues: Healthy Living
Overview: Food and Nutrition, how to keep fit and healthy
Grammar: Modal verbs, word order, subordinate clauses
Infinitive constructions with zu / um…zu
Als + imperfect tense
Vocabulary: Food, activities to keep fit
Adverbs of time and frequency
Parts of the body and ailments
müssen + dürfen
Term 3: Assessment: Translation
Term 4: Theme 1 Marriage / Partnerships / Relationships
Overview: Relationships, Pros + Cons of Marriage, Opinions and alternatives.
Grammar: Pronouns in accusative and dative recap
Relative pronouns to develop descriptions
Adjectives and agreements
Future + Conditional
Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe people and character
Marital status, Possessive adjectives
Term 4: Assessment: Listening and Reading


Cycle 3

Term 5: Theme 2 Global Issues: Homelessness / Poverty
Overview: Daily Routine, Comparisons of lifestyles
Grammar: Reflexive + Separable verbs
Subordinate clauses – wenn, obwohl, damit, als, da, bevor, nachdem
Vocabulary: Daily routine and needs
Negative expressions
Term 5: Assessment:   L/R/W Assessments
Term 6: Theme 2 Social Issues: Charity / Voluntary Work
Overview: Work experience, Description of voluntary / charity work
Grammar: Prepositions + accusative /dative
Modal verbs, infinitive constructions
Word order in complex sentences
Tenses – revision
Vocabulary: dieser + jeder
Jobs and chores to help out
Term 6: Assessment:  Speaking - mini mock

Curriculum Programmes of Study for Spanish 


Cycle Content

Year 7

Cycle 1

Term 1: El Español

Overview: An introduction to Spanish
Grammar: Phonics, gender and plural of nouns, adjectival agreement and position, definite and indefinite articles, possessive adjectives, TENER and SER in present tense whole paradigm, hay, conjunctions
Vocabulary: Greetings, numbers 1-10, school bag items, colours
Term 1: Assessment: Gender and plural of nouns language awareness
Term 2: Mi Vida
Overview: Personal info and siblings
Grammar: TENER and SER in present tense full paradigm, adjectival agreement, articles, conjunctions, negatives
Vocabulary: Numbers 1-31, alphabet, days and months, (step)brother, sister, personality adjectives, pets
Term 2: Assessment: Listening and reading

Cycle 2

Term 3: Mi Familia

Overview: Describing family members
Grammar: Possessive adjectives, TENER and SER, VIVIR and ESTAR full paradigm, qualifiers and quantifiers, comparative, adjectival agreement, conjunctions
Vocabulary: Wider family members, hair and eye colour, physical description adjectives, where you live, location
Term 3: Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: Mi Tiempo Libre
Overview: Free-time activities and sports
Grammar: Present tense of regular -AR verbs, me gusta + infinitive, cuando/si + weather expressions, HACER and JUGAR
Vocabulary: free-time activities, sports, weather expressions, days of the week
Term 4: Assessment: Extended writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: Mi Insti

Overview: School life
Grammar: Present tense of regular -er and -ir verbs, gender and plural, adjectival agreement, me gusta (n) + el/la/los/las, definite and indefinite articles
Vocabulary: School subjects, school buildings and facilities, break and lunch activities, time expressions
Term 5: Assessment:  Reading aloud – approx. 50 words
Term 6: Mi Ciudad
Overview: Town
Grammar: Using a, some and many, IR and QUERER full paradigm, near future tense, telling the time
Vocabulary: places in the town, numbers 1-100, café ordering, free time activities
Term 6: Assessment: Listening and reading

Year 8 


Cycle 1

Term 1: Mis Vacaciones
Overview: Past holidays
Grammar: Preterite tense of IR and SER + regular verbs full paradigm, adjectival agreement,
Vocabulary: Holiday destinations, activities, transport, opinions
Term 1: Assessment: Listening and reading
Term 2: Todo Sobre Mi Vida
Overview: Music and TV preferences
Grammar: Present tense of regular verbs, articles, comparative, and superlative, using preterite and present together, preterite of hacer.
Vocabulary: Mobile phone usage, types of music and TV programmes, free time activities
Term 2: Assessment: Translation

Cycle 2

Term 3: İA Comer!
Overview: Food, drink and eating out
Grammar: negatives, use of usted/ustedes, near future, using three tenses together, tener expressions
Vocabulary: Food and drink items, key verbs used to talk about food, further adjectives to describe food
Term 3: Assessment: Writing gap fill
Term 4: ¿Qué Hacemos?
Overview: Going out and daily routine
Grammar: me/te gustaría + infinitive, use of querer & poder, reflexive verbs, this/these, using three tenses together, structures with two verbs
Vocabulary: places in the town, meeting locations, lang of (dis)agreement, daily routine, sequencers, clothes, sporting events
Term 4: Assessment: Extended writing

Cycle 3

Term 5: Operación Verano

Overview: Holiday homes and further holiday activities
Grammar: Comparative and superlative, imperative (tú form), using three tenses together, use of estar with location
Vocabulary: Rooms in the house, locations, further holiday activities and destinations, directions.
Term 5: Assessment:  Reading aloud – approx. 50 words
Term 6: Proyecto de Pelí
Overview: Film project on Encanto/Voces Inocentes 
Grammar: Consolidation of all grammar at lower years – present, near future and preterite tenses, comparative and superlative, adjectival agreement
Vocabulary: Film and opinion vocab
Term 6: Assessment: Listening and reading

Year 9

Cycle 1

Term 1: My Personal World – Family
Overview: : Talking about different types of family and people you admire
Grammar: Nouns, articles, adjectival agreement, possessive adjectives ser, estar, tener, present continuous and reflexives, using the pronouns me and te before a verb
Vocabulary: Extended family members, days, months, dates, personality and physical descriptions, reasons for (not) getting on with people
Term 1: Reading and Translation
Term 2: My Personal World - Friendships/ Media & Technology – Social Media
Overview: : Talking about your identity, relationships with others and social media
Grammar:Ser & estar, direct and indirect object pronouns, irregular adjectives, para + infinitive, podrías/deberías + infinitive, desde hace Vocabulary: Widening range of adjectives, increasing variety of opinions,
Term 2: Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 2

Term 3: Media & Technology
Overview: Life online and free time activities
Grammar: Present and preterite tense consolidation inc irregulars, expressions of frequency, direct object pronouns
Vocabulary: Digital life, free time activities, opinions in Preterite tense 
Term 3: Assessment: Writing 80-90 words
Term 4: My Personal World - Media & Technology/Lifestyle & Wellbeing – Healthy living and routines
Overview: Making plans to go out and talking about healthy routines
Grammar: : Near future, indefinite adjectives, reflexives recap, using tener + noun
Vocabulary: Making arrangements, food and drink
Term 4: Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 3

Term 5: Lifestyle & Wellbeing Healthy diet and Illness
Overview: Talking about mealtimes, comparing old and new habits, talking about illness & injury
Grammar: Direct object pronouns, Imperfect tense, using ya no + verb, reflexives in the Preterite, giving advice using debes, tienes que and necesitas
Vocabulary: Food and Drink, illnesses and injuries
Term 5: Assessment:Writing 80-90 words
Term 6: House & Home
Overview: Describing where you live and how it has changed, describing shopping preferences
Grammar: Perfect tense, prepositions of place for directions, Imperfect tense recap, demonstrative adjectives, direct object pronouns recap, present subjunctive after ‘cuando’
Vocabulary: Locations where you live, shopping preferences, adjectives, extended opinions, directions
Term 6: Assessment: Speaking – Photocard

Year 10 

Cycle 1

Term 1: Travel & Tourism - Holidays
Overview: Talking about travel plans, festivals, and what you did on holiday
Grammar: Sequencers, revision of Preterite, Imperfect, using the Preterite and Imperfect together, me gustaría + infinitive, acabar de and se puede + infinitive, comparative and superlative
Vocabulary: Holiday destinations, what you did on holiday, opinions in the past tense, transport and festivals
Term 1: Assessment: Writing – 90 words
Term 2: Travel & Tourism - Holidays Lifestyle & Wellbeing – Healthy Living
Overview: Where you stayed, different types of holidays, food in Spanish-speaking countries, daily routine
Grammar: Preterite of ser & ir, tener & hacer, irregular verbs in the Imperfect, using the Preterite and Imperfect together, soler + infinitive, tener + noun, reflexive verbs
Vocabulary: Accommodation, holiday activities,
Term 2: Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 2

Term 3: Lifestyle & Wellbeing – Healthy Lifestyles
Overview: Mealtimes and food trends,
Grammar: Direct object pronouns, imperfect recap, ya no + verb, reflexive verbs in the Preterite, debes, tienes que to give advice, simple future
Vocabulary: meals, Spanish-speaking countries, daily routine verbs, free time activities, food and drink, body parts, illness, remedies
Term 3: Assessment: Translation
Term 4: Studying & My Future - School
Overview: School in Spain, talking about school life and how you would change your school. Talking about students and teacher at school
Grammar: Absolute superlatives, relative pronouns – que, donde, cuando, impersonal verbs with infinitives, using negatives, forming questions, conditional tense
Vocabulary: School building, uniform, school routines, opinions & reasons, ideal teacher
Term 4: Assessment: Listening & Reading


Cycle 3


Term 5: Studying & My Future – School/Future Plans
Overview: Describing a school trip in the past, Latino trail blazers, future plans, getting a job
Grammar: Using adjectives & adverbs, identifying false friends, recap of preterite and imperfect tenses, seguir/continuar + present participle, future tenses consolidation
Vocabulary: School trip activities, pioneers, future plans, jobs & what you do to earn money
Term 5: Assessment:  Yr. 10 Exams L, W
Term 6: Studying & My Future – Future Plans
Overview: Reasons to learn languages, changes in the world of work, impact of AI
Grammar: Modal verbs, using different verb forms, percentages, para que + subjunctive, infinitivesl
Vocabulary: Languages, opinions & reasons for learning languages, buying travel tickets, opinions about AI
Term 6: Assessment: Speaking – mini mock

Year 11


Cycle 1

Term 1: Social Issues: Healthy Living & Illness
Overview: Talking about healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and illness
Grammar: Using negatives, being able to recognise different tenses, present subjunctive
Vocabulary: (Un)healthy food and drink, exercise and emotional well-being, body parts and illness
Term 1: Assessment: Listening & Reading
Term 2: Social Issues: Charity & Voluntary Work
Overview: Talking about charities and voluntary work
Grammar: Using me gustaría, Conditional tense
Vocabulary: Social issues
Term 2: Assessment: Mock Exams L, S, R, W


Cycle 2

Term 3: Region
Overview: Understanding leaflets and websites & describing a region
Grammar: Using estar + past participle, using the passive and passive forms with ‘se’
Vocabulary: Further places in the town & tourist sites of interest
Term 3: Assessment: Writing – 150 words
Term 4: Revision/ Exam Practice
Overview: Preparation for the speaking exam
Grammar: Consolidation of all GCSE grammar
Vocabulary: Revisiting the general vocabulary section of the syllabu
Term 4: Assessment: Mock Speaking 2


Cycle 3

Term 5: Revision / Exam Practice
Overview: Preparation for the listening, reading and writing exams
Grammar: Consolidation of all GCSE grammar
Vocabulary: Topic specific vocabulary revision alongside the general vocabulary
Term 5: Assessment:  Speaking Exam
Term 6: Revision / Exam Practice
Term 6: Assessment: Exam Practice / Exams

Lower Years Assessment Framework

To view the Lower Years Assessment Framework for MFL Languages, please click here
To view the Lower Years Assessment Framework for Chinese, please click here

Middle Years Exam and Specification Information 

In years 10 and 11, students are entered for the AQA GCSE and schemes of work cover the GCSE topics. Students will be assessed by final examination in year 11. They will be expected to understand and provide information and opinions about these themes relating to their own experiences and those of other people, including people in the countries / communities where the language is spoken.

Students will be assessed by final examination in year 11 and are entered for the Eduqas (WJEC) GCSE.

 Please see below for indiviual subject specifications

In recent years extra-curricular visits and activities have included

  • Year 8 Languages and Careers Enrichment Day
  • Euroscola Visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg for sixth formers
  • Year 7/8 International Carol Concert
  • Year 8 Normandy Experience – Immersion / Activity based visit
  • Year 8 Visit to Spain
  • Year 9/10 Visit to Berlin
  • Year 9/10 Summer camp in China
  • Year 11 Exchange / Residential visits to France and Spain
  • Year 10 Residential / Immersion / Activity based visit to Normandy
  • Year 8 Discover Germany
  • Making Languages our Business
  • Passport to Export (Dragons’ Den style competition with visit to Berlin for winners)
  • French Drama competition
  • Languages pop video competition
  • National Speaking Competitions