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  • PTFA


    Parent Teacher and Friends Association

    The Parent Teacher and Friends Association, a registered charity, has been in existence for many years and works hard to support the staff and the students. All parents and carers with children at the school are automatically members of the PTFA.

    Parents and carers are encouraged to join the PTFA committee and help organise a number of events during the year which raise funds for the school. We would welcome any offers of support or new fund-raising ideas.

    The PTFA need parents to actively support fund-raising events by:

    • Managing pre-loved uniform sales
    • Assisting with serving refreshments at various events
    • Running the PTFA quiz
    • Helping to run the 11+ exam and practice exam


    PTFA Events

    Future events will be posted here

    DHSG PTFA Meeting Dates

    There is a small but active committee including a Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer amongst others.

    Meetings are held twice a term in the evening at 6.00pm - 7.00pm in the Sixth Form Centre, and last about an hour. These meetings are open to all parents, carers, grandparents, friends and new faces are very welcome

    Fundraising 2018-2019

    This year the PTFA have donated £4,000 to purchase the following


    For further information or to find out more about how you can support the PTFA, please email

    For the latest 11+ admission arrangements, please visit the The Application Process page

    Get In Touch