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  • Physics


    Name of Head of Department

    Mr C Moore, BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE

    Statement of Intent

    The DHSG science curriculum aims to provide an exceptional scientific education for students, through a wealth of inspiring opportunities within a nurturing environment, leading to outstanding achievements and facilitating further study and potential careers within the subject.

    Our aim is to develop students’ curiosity, wonder and understanding of the world around them and equipping them with the analytical skills needed to contribute to a global society.

    High-quality teaching of an ambitious, sequenced and knowledge-rich curriculum promotes student understanding and addresses misconceptions. Theoretical work is supported by purposeful practical work that enhances understanding and develops critical thinking.

    Physics is the study of the universe and all things in it from the unimaginably small to the unfathomably large to further our knowledge and understanding and develop the ability to solve complex problems using logic and reasoning. We aim to inspire students with the wonder of Physics through the teaching of five key areas, Waves, Energy, Electricity, Matter and Force, all of which are revisited throughout key stages 3 to 5.

    Practical Science

    We have designed our practical science curriculum with eight fundamental principles on mind:

    • to develop scientific enquiry;
    • to develop knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts;
    • to develop practical competencies;
    • to prepare students to answer examination questions related to practical work with confidence;
    • to develop teamwork and collaborative skills;
    • to excite, inspire and develop student curiosity and ideas, so that they will rationalise and question further the world in which they live;
    • to prepare students for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world;
    • to raise awareness of STEM careers, provide visible role models and engage with external agencies where possible to create/be involved in STEM enrichment activities, e.g. links with Plymouth University etc.

    Curriculum Programmes of Study


    Cycle Content

    Year 7

    Cycle 1

    Forces - Introduction
    Waves - Sound

    Cycle 2

    Waves - Sound
    Space – The Solar System and Beyond

    Cycle 3

    Space – The Solar System and Beyond
    Energy – Energy for Life

    Year 8

    Cycle 1

    Electromagnetism – Electricity and Magnetism
    Energy – Energy Transfers 

    Cycle 2

    Energy – Energy Transfers
    Forces – Forces and Motion

    Cycle 3

    Forces – Forces and Motion
    Waves - Light

    Year 9

    Cycle 1

    The Particle Model of Matte

    Cycle 2

    Forces and interactions

    Cycle 3

    Forces and interactions
    Electric circuits

    Year 10

    Cycle 1

    Energy systems and stores
    Energy transfer and resources
    Atomic structure

    Cycle 2

    Atomic structure
    Electricity in the home

    Cycle 3

    Electricity in the home
    The electromagnetic spectrum and light

    Year 11

    Cycle 1

    Forces and motion
    Magnetism and electromagnetism
    Space physics

    Cycle 2

    Space physics
    Forces and pressure

    Cycle 3

    Examination preparation

    Lower Years Assessment Framework

    To view the Lower Years Assessment Framework for Science, please click here

    Middle Years Exam and Specification Information

    Middle years Triple Science Options: AQA GCSE Physics is delivered.

    GCSE Physics students follow all the units 4.1 – 4.9 found on the GCSE Physics Specification link below. Practical skills are assessed throughout the course and examined as part of the final examination series.

    Full details of the specification and assessment criteria can be found on the AQA website GCSE Physics specification

    Middle years Double Science option: AQA Combined Science: Trilogy is delivered

    Combined science students follow selected elements of units 6.1 – 6.8 found on the GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Specification link below. Practical skills are assessed throughout the course and examined as part of the final examination series.

    Full details of the specification and assessment criteria can be found on the AQA website GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Specification

    Extra-curricular activities

    The Physics department works closely with various other schools across Torbay and the South Hams and regularly holds collaborative events for students to participate in. The nature of the events varies each year and has included: an evening exploring Astronomy and Light; the Physics of fire; Medical Mavericks; GCSE Physics Escape Rooms. All the schools are keen to continue this work which enriches the Physics curriculum and aims to improve uptake at A-Level. Students have also taken part in the Go4Set project and travelled to Birmingham to exhibit further projects at the Big Bang Science fair.

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